A Side Effect of Sunshine

Spring is almost here. Just sixteen more days or so before it officially comes in. The statistics for my zip code tell me we can expect the last frost to be no later than April 11th, and the weather has been at odds with how to take this news. One second it will burst forth in a dazzling smile, and the next it will weep silent tears of almost-snow. Last Wednesday, when the temperature was dangerously near sixty and the sun was out in full,  I started some of my spring plans in earnest. I have a lot of dreams for my yard, even though it’s barely large enough to qualify as anything more than an after thought on the part of the builders. Some of these dreams will have to wait until next year to be realized, but my favorite ones have already been initiated. These pots were the first:

Pots on cardboard

I took them outside Wednesday and spray painted them  to death. Just one coat, because I found I liked the crackle effect.


The pots are going to be stacked, a la this clever idea, and then planted with herbs and such. At the moment  I’m thinking nasturtiums on the very top, then cilantro, basil, thyme, cress, and, at the very bottom, mustard greens. I know, that’s leaving quite a few important ones out. What about sage and oregano? What about parsley and rosemary? Well, that goes back to my decision to start small and add a little every year. But don’t worry, I do have  some other exciting seeds to plant. I’m hoping to start some of them inside next Monday  – but I can’t do anything until I get help carrying my soil out of the car. It weighs about two tons!

Hair line fractures, patched with gorilla glue

Hair line fractures, patched with gorilla glue