As Daring as the Smoldering Dawn

I wish I could’ve shared the sky with you this morning, the way it loooked from the window of my garrett. Just before seven it began to pink-en, and it went on until there was a thick ribbon of deep, deep red-flamingo pink glowering over the tops of the trees and reaching up towards the retreating night. It was not anything at all like a proper blush. There was nothing sweet about it. It seems strange to say that the dawn was full of passion for the coming day, but that’s how things looked. A dawn like that is sure to make people talk.

I did finish that skirt, by the way. Right after I clicked “publish” I took myself dowstairs and asked my my flat-mate if I could borrow hers. With her kind permission, I then whipped through the construction of a channel for the elastic waist, pulled the stretchy thing through, and  zip-zip,done. Of course, the elastic is twisted, but I don’t really ever plan on wearing the waistband out, so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Ah, Christmas is only a few days away. You know Dawn, I think I feel a little passionate about life myself.