Play it Again

So, I got an email from someone yesterday in which they mentioned they were planning on starting a blog. “Oh,” I gushed back, “blogs are great places of inspiration and community!”

Ah,  irony.

If you can believe it, it wasn’t until I pressed send that I realized how silly that sounded coming from the girl whose blog has been nothing but a white page for the past six months. So I decided to knuckle down and tackle the beast. Only there was no beast. Whatever problem I had with WordPress, Startlogic, and the Universe in General has apparently been resolved while I wasn’t looking,  because everything came together as smoothly as oil and basil. I don’t even get any geek points this time around. {{1}} [[1]]Except, I changed my admin password through My SQL instead of the “forgot your password?” link – we have to keep our skills up somehow.[[1]]

You’ll notice that the theme has changed. Yes, this is 2014. I have given up Decollate for the moment, and will instead be making heavy changes to this theme.{{2}} [[2]] First to go: the horrid, witch-green accent color [[2]] Decollate never really worked, and the image I had for it has faded so much due to time and frustration that there are only shards of it left. Jumping into things is probably the only method that’s going to work for me, but I’ve spent enough time in the pool of theme creation to realize there is no water in it. Better to focus on the small cosmetic aberrations and leave the rest of my energy for actually writing posts. Novel concept, I know.

So, what can you expect from this blog’s future? Probably rambles and musings. I’m still without a camera, which leaves me with nothing but prose to offer. I have some updates for those interested in my Japanese studies and forays into gardening, so stayed tuned! I’m coming back (right after these messages).