Week’s End: October 12th

Despite the title, I’m feeling very creative right now. I’ve had a wonderful day, and even though my office ate all two dozen cookies I brought in (and then washed the plate, effectively destroying all the precious chocolate crumbs), I’m perfectly content. It’s Friday, I have a new rosemary and mint scented shampoo, I’ve been fairly productive recently, and I have tomorrow all to myself.

I’m thinking some cooking is in order.

Particularly, I want to make things with squash. I saw a blue squash two weeks ago, and it was so beautiful and strange that now I can’t get squash off my mind. Simmered squash is supposed to freeze fairly well, and I’ve been wanting to make miso and pumpkin muffins for the past five years now. Also a freezer item, you’ll note. Well, yes, I’m trying to stock up  so I can start taking nicer lunches to work. This week has worked out pretty fine, because I made carrot-y beef stew on Monday, but today I just dumped some miso paste in a jar. Come lunch time I added water, nuked it for a minute, shook, and drank. Ah, nourishment. Besides, there’s something really magical about laying up. Maybe it’s because I’m a possessive hoarder, but knowing that there’s something of mine, just waiting in case I need it, makes me feel all “squee” inside.

Sorry, is this boring you? How about this?

Dark and cloudy? No problem, just crank up the exposure like so . . . .

Don't worry, the other side isn't as orderly

Yeah, thought you might like that. We can pretend that I’m not the kind of idiot who, without checking the rim, takes the wide angle lens off their borrowed camera to take pictures of a whole room. This, Dad, is why I stick to “artsy” over “informative.” It’s kind of like the messy argument.

The top for this shelf is amazing.  All shiny and black and Woah!

I’ve come to an almost stand still on decorating and design and house-stuff in general. My next step for the family room is some wall art for the space above the couch. And wall scones: we have no light near any of the sitting areas – go figure.

Anyway, plans, plans, plans. But today is October 12th, I’m listening to Emma Jacob’s “Futatsu No Kodou to Akai,” and I’m about to fix myself a bowl of milk toast. Have a nice weekend everyone!