Day Three: Leaving the McDonalds Arch

The creation museum is hard to describe without pictures, but since these posts are being illustrated solely by cellphone, and the museum demand our actual cameras, you will have to be patient and resign your self to enjoying these

As implied by the title, the creation museum’s main exhibit is a walk through of the biblical account of creation. It’s theme is, if you’ll excuse the expression, jurassic. Besides the creation exhibit and animatronic dinosaurs, the museum boasts a breath taking planetarium and a beautifully sculpted exotic garden.

Let me explain. Today, if you can call it today, we woke up at four in the morning and headed west. By nine EST we had crossed the Illinois timeline.

We stopped for an hour to see the Arch in St. Louis,

and again in Oklahoma to eat at the “gateway to the west” McDonalds.

Two hours to Stroud, where we get to rest for two days before continuing to New Mexico.Yee-haw!
– Posted using BlogPress from the iPad

Location: Adair, United States